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Veselā miesā vesels gars. Nov. 18th, 2024|11:50 pm

Comparison of working memory performance in athletes and non-athletes: a meta-analysis of behavioural studies

"This meta-analysis compared the WM performance of athletes to that of non-athletes. By integrating data from 21 studies involving 1455 participants, our study revealed a statistically significant, albeit small, advantage in WM for athletes compared to non-athletes (Hedges’ g = 0.30). Moreover, this effect persisted across sports types and performance levels. Notably, this advantage was more pronounced when athletes were contrasted with a sedentary population (Hedges’ g = 0.63), compared to the analysis where the sedentary population was excluded from the non-athlete reference group (Hedges’ g = 0.15). Our findings indicate a consistent link between sports expertise and improved WM performance, while sedentary lifestyles appear to be associated with WM disadvantages. These results suggest the cognitive benefits of sports and emphasise the importance of an active lifestyle for enhancing cognitive health."
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