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Universitātes go vegan. Jul. 6th, 2023|04:09 pm

Students at the University of Stirling in Scotland, United Kingdom, have voted in favor of making campus menus 100 percent vegan by 2025.

Cambridge's campus is now vegan. The student body at the University of Cambridge has voted overwhelmingly in favor of transitioning the campus menus to 100-percent vegan offerings, the university reports.

Not only is there the option to eat strictly vegetarian on Harvard's campus, but there is also a wide range of vegetarian offerings easily accessible beyond the campus.

The University of Oxford is working hard to expand its plant-based options: the menus at most of its cafés are 50% meat-free, and nearly 70% of hospitality food options are vegan or vegetarian. A study by Oxford University discovered that plant-based eating is actually the most affordable diet. It also found that a vegan diet reduced food costs by up to one-third due to the use of whole foods over meat and meat replacements.
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