Depresīva troļļa piezīmes - January 5th, 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 5th, 2023

Šņurk. [Jan. 5th, 2023|08:54 pm]
Hey all, this release is my last dubstep release as Egoless. Not gonna lie, last 2 years crushed me up properly and when things got back to normal (at least a little bit) I really struggled to get back on the road mentally. I tried. However although I enjoyed new live act and shows last year I just couldn’t get back to all the “bass party” shenanigans. Drops after drops after drops... Also Empire of Dirt, alongside being a great thing that happened to me, was also a burden because it is hard to beat it and I never wanted to milk on the success of the tune and write similar ones. I love to explore different sounds and vibes. Which is what I will continue to do.

To all dubstep family who will hate me for this, accept a farewell gift, a release that was supposed to come out on Medi, however as it would take months and months for that to happen, I decide to get this over with and release it myself.

I don’t hate this music, I love it, I visited places I never would, played on 4 continents, countless shows in the last 10 years, countless people met. However I really feel it is a right time to change, I have been exploring so much things in the studio lately and can’t wait to share some of the works with you all (notably first release this month called “The Last... more
released January 4, 2023
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