Depresīva troļļa piezīmes - June 12th, 2022 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 12th, 2022

Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm sakarā ar vēršu cīņu izbeigšanos Meksikā [Jun. 12th, 2022|09:24 am]
Exactly. Same with cockfights or dogfights. The bulls and roosters and dogs aren’t “athletes.” They don’t care that they’re “celebrities.” And I doubt they would find it a fair trade that they’re “treated well” in exchange for their fighting, injury, and death. Especially when “treated well” is at best still lifelong captivity, and also quite often involves extreme and painful training. None of them have the ability to chose that, and wouldn’t even if they could.

Same goes for animals we eat. We may point to the mere existence of pasture-raised beef or free range chickens even though most of our meat comes from factory farms *and* if it all came from open pasture and grazing, then the fact that the industry is *already* the leading global cause of deforestation including the burning of the rainforests, would only be so much worse as many times more land would be required. Meaning, if we care at all about the well-being of animals who can’t and wouldn’t consent to the conditions they’re put through and who have their lives cut drastically short, or about preventing the death of the natural world, then we wouldn’t be consuming animal products.

It’s just crazy how easy it is for most people to understand that the harm caused to animals that they see elsewhere is bad and should be stopped for good. But then turn around and reason that the harm that they participate in should be excused and continued, even though the scale of it far far exceeds that of what they are concerned about.
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