Depresīva troļļa piezīmes - May 6th, 2022 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 6th, 2022

Hmmm [May. 6th, 2022|01:28 pm]
Šorīt ūdens temperatūra Daugavā +10°C, Latgales upēs +7...+10°C, Vidzemes upēs +5...+10°C, Zemgales upēs +8...+11°C, Kurzemes upēs +6...+12°C, ezeros +7...+10°C, jūras un Rīgas līča piekrastē +7...+12°C.
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Dienas citāts. [May. 6th, 2022|01:31 pm]
"In 1954 (I might have the year wrong) the chair of the US Atomic Energy Commission said “Our children will enjoy energy too cheap to meter.”

He was later beaten to death for being a communist because any real American would know nothing is too cheap to exploit."
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[May. 6th, 2022|10:20 pm]
Beidzot silts.
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