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Feb. 11th, 2015 | 09:06 am
You know, someone once told rock'n'roll is dead? One person I know once said sex is dead. You know what I say? The world is dead.
posted this on twitter, then found out that my aunt had passed away tonight. hard to explain the feeling.
what's worst - the inability to dwell in that lousy, human emotion burst-tangle. I just pass on. and barely feel ashamed for my humanity slipping away from me like sand in ones hands. the definitely not an artist owl but probably admires my talent only with a glimpse of thought proposed that maybe I try to wrap this up in a bit more writing. so it becomes an actual text that is worth reading. I refused the impulse at first. then realize that there is no need to be any other way than I am now. I realize that I'm ok. I realize that I'm still breathing and I'm fine. and am great in all my human crookedness. and I realize that taking that option for a writers manifestation here what comes in at firsthand - writing about how "not alive" but not dead either I feel. realizing that it would be an absolute jackass thing to do.
good morning.
posted this on twitter, then found out that my aunt had passed away tonight. hard to explain the feeling.
what's worst - the inability to dwell in that lousy, human emotion burst-tangle. I just pass on. and barely feel ashamed for my humanity slipping away from me like sand in ones hands. the definitely not an artist owl but probably admires my talent only with a glimpse of thought proposed that maybe I try to wrap this up in a bit more writing. so it becomes an actual text that is worth reading. I refused the impulse at first. then realize that there is no need to be any other way than I am now. I realize that I'm ok. I realize that I'm still breathing and I'm fine. and am great in all my human crookedness. and I realize that taking that option for a writers manifestation here what comes in at firsthand - writing about how "not alive" but not dead either I feel. realizing that it would be an absolute jackass thing to do.
good morning.
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from: zaralustra
date: Feb. 11th, 2015 - 11:16 am
par pieskārieniem es, tātad ameriku esmu atklājis? nu, tur jau tas sāls. to tautas apziņu paust bezapziņu rūpīgi, ar mātes mīlestību aust - rakstnieka pienākums.
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