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Life Lessons with Y # 9271

Posted on 2014.03.19 at 19:18
Having a last name 'Hooker' is bound to bring smiles to everyone and anyone who sees it (except, perhaps, boring or "mature" people).

You can get addicted to making mistakes, if you believe that that is the only or the best way you can learn.

Often you should just let people know that you are busy instead of trying to juggle multiple trains of thought at the same time. The lack of attention can be offensive.

It is fun observing people's interactions with one another, because it is a mix of them showing how they want to be treated and how they think the other person wants to be treated.

Taking a second shower after a day out is a good way to move from one mood into another. Water is good for you, and so is feeling clean.

And I thought a year of not writing was a lot.. ha!

Posted on 2014.02.23 at 11:18
Current Music: Pearl Jam - Alive
Don't welcome me back, I'm not here to stay anyway.. Though I did hear - I'm still alive.

Northern Ireland, Giant's Causeway.

Posted on 2008.08.25 at 14:49
Daļa no Giant's Causeway )

Nosacītā ne tik tumšas tumsīgās iespaidā.

Posted on 2008.07.29 at 01:43

random numeroloģija )

The maintenance of imperfect beings.

Posted on 2008.07.12 at 10:24
Ir tik viegli uzturēt sevī traucējošas nerealitātes. Daudzi cilvēki neapzināti apzināti izvēlas neticēt sev vēlamām lietām, tādejādi darot visu, lai šī neticēšana tiktu attaisnota. Kāds NLP speciālists šādus nerealitātes uzturētājus nodēvēja par iekšējiem teroristiem, kas dara visu, lai sabotētu vēlamo lietu izdošanos.
Cilvēki nav perfekti, cilvēkiem nepieciešama apkope. Izceļas tie cilvēki, kuri spējīgi veikt šo apkopi paši.

Bezgalīgam praktiskumam ir zināms šarms.

Posted on 2008.06.26 at 19:34
Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and saying: 'Now it's complete because it's ended here'.

--Frank Herbert 'Dune'

Substitute for exploding.

Posted on 2008.06.19 at 01:33
Story 3: Someone shows you a coin with a head and a tail on it. You watch him flip it 10 times and all 10 times it comes up heads. What is the probability that it will come up heads on the 11th flip?

A novice gambler would tell you, "Tales is more likely than heads, since things have to even out and tales is due to come up."

A math student would tell you, "We can't predict the future from the past, the odds are still even."

A professional gambler would say, "There must be something wrong with the coin or the way it is being flipped. I wouldn't bet with the guy flipping it, but I'd bet someone else that heads will come up again."

--Barry Greenstein 'Ace On The River'

Susumu Hirasawa

Posted on 2008.06.05 at 12:48
Neticu, ka kādam šis mākslinieks var iepatikties bez īpaša konteksta (piem., kā kādas labas animes OST veidotājs). Lai gan, tā ir ar visiem māksliniekiem, kas nolemj netaisīt pārlieku klišejiskas dziesmas, kuras noteikti patiktu kaut kādai daļai cilvēku.

Video: Sekai Turbine un Haldyn Hotel.

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