- August 11th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 11th, 2015

#daily news [Aug. 11th, 2015|09:59 am]
[music |well fuck you very much, swedbank]

BNS: Happiness of Latvian residents has so far reached its highest level since restoration of the country's independence, said Swedbank's spokeswoman, citing results of the bank's survey.

Despite smaller wages and more responsibilities in life, women in Latvia feel happier than men.
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#daily video [Aug. 11th, 2015|10:08 am]
[mood |angry tuesday]
[music |now who's got that red coat]

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#daily news II [Aug. 11th, 2015|12:01 pm]
gūgls ir nopircis alfabētu. vai arī otrādāk. cue in the empire march.
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