- August 12th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 12th, 2015

#daily news [Aug. 12th, 2015|10:03 am]
[mood |wtf]

a kick in the face
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#daily tale from rinpoche [Aug. 12th, 2015|01:15 pm]
there's this story... well, there are many stories. but nevertheless here's a short one. once a monk fell asleep and dreamed that he is being pursued by a demon from hell. the demon chased him into a corner and was hovering over him. the monk cowered and shouted: i'm scared, i'm so scared, i don't know what to do, what is going to happen!!? the demon looked at him, somewhat puzzled, and said: how should i know what is going to happen? this is your dream.
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#daily tale from rinpoche II [Aug. 12th, 2015|07:08 pm]
[mood |the shaman dances]
[music |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR5SHuJDlUQ]

for the greatest compliment is not my teacher, how smart he is, but rather my teacher, oh, how kind he is.
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