heaven knows i'm miserable now -

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Jūlijs 29., 2011

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(3 kg | put the weights into my little heart)


[User Picture]
Date:29. Jūlijs 2011 - 16:56
Dead Souls are a band from Belgium who are well-known there as the best Joy Division cover band. They closed that chapter on March 7th and started writing their own work (...) "So now we’ve started writing our own music. No more Joy Division songs. (...) We have recently welcomed a new member in the band to enhance our live sound. (...) In the meantime stay tuned for some excellent droney space pop from the Dead Souls".

space pop? :D vai tai koncertâ bija arî dazhas vinju pashu dziesmas?
[User Picture]
Date:29. Jūlijs 2011 - 19:43
Ir daudz Joy Division kaveru grupu.. šī pat it kā nāk no Prāgas (lai gan viņi neizrādīja nekādu čehiskumu). Gandrīz visas bija JD dziesmas, izņemot vienu, ko es nespēju identificēt, un Velvet Underground 'Heroin', kas viņiem arī sanāca diezgan labi.
Viņi izskatījās aptuveni šādi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ieacrr_nIQ8

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