2009.12.20. | 20:51
bet es beidzot esmu iemācījusies smieties ar otru aci, kamēr ar pirmo raud. nopietni. vēl varētu iemācīties būt nomodā ar vienu, kamēr ar otru guļ.
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mīlestība. notissima fossa
2009.12.20. | 21:02
I have seen nothing more repulsive in my life — except once at the Alhambra in Leicester Square, when I saw a jealous man tear the earrings out of the ruptured lobes of a prostitute's ears, and all the men in the saloon rose raging at him for his brutality.
at the end of our time together, I discovered really fine intellectual and emotional qualities beneath his Satyric exterior.
Unfortunately he was dirty in his dress and person, filthy in his talk, and shamelessly priapic in his conduct.
at the end of our time together, I discovered really fine intellectual and emotional qualities beneath his Satyric exterior.
Unfortunately he was dirty in his dress and person, filthy in his talk, and shamelessly priapic in his conduct.
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zoļika ziemassvētku joks
2009.12.20. | 21:47
es: nu tu arī kaut ko gribi uz ziemas svētkiem?
mamma: jā, paklausīgus bērnus
es: dāvinātam zirgam zobos neskatās
mamma: jā, paklausīgus bērnus
es: dāvinātam zirgam zobos neskatās