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Anna Marija Levi

Re: wot I fink

but who would argue with that? You think I'd enjoy living and stomping on others empty dinner plate?

Yes, let's increase non-taxable income, let's do it progressively based on income thresholds, but don't take away from those few, actually, few thousand ( who legally earn a bit more and still not comparable to "more" in context of Western/Central Europe. See how many people clearly avoid any taxation in this country (falls in category -->200 LVL), i.e. most are being paid minimal salary, the rest is envelope. Why is that, you think?

I can not comment on your bank theories, neither I wish to study it in detail; most of the time I can allow myself only focus on my job, and children. This week is somewhat exception, I'm leaving this strange city and contemplating what future will bring.
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