Vår tid er nå
Vår tid er nå
30. Jūlijs 2015
- 30.7.15 13:07
- vispār ir jādodas izbraucienā uz pilsētu, bet es te karājos pie datora ar cigareti un klausos mūziku. lai gan vajadzētu to nevis klausīties, bet likt setā.
So Many People
Today the street were filled with strangers
Calling names and choosing sides
Never thinking of tomorrow
More and more we're running blind
Makes you wonder where we're heading
So many people and all in a hurry
Living in circles of worship and worry
Dressing so long that they're usually late for the show
So busy judging the heads that they're turning
So busy fighting there's no time for learning
Turning their backs on the people they might like to know
We may be running out of heros
It seems they tumble every day
We killed a man for careless dreaming
More and more we're running blind
Makes you wonder where we're heading
So many people and all in a hurry
Living in circles of worship and worry
Dressing so long that they're usually late for the show
So busy judging the heads that they're turning
So busy fighting there's no time for learning
Turning their backs on the people they might like to know
1 rakstair doma
- draugi
- 30.7.15 15:13
- mani joprojām pievelk cilvēku ārējais spožums. šie kontakti mēdz palikt virspusēji vai vienpusēji un pazust dienu dunā.
mani parasti izvēlas ārēji uzmanību nesaistošie un tad atklājas veselas zemūdens pasaules un man tad ir kauns, ka esmu tik virspusēja un neesmu to pamanijusi uzreiz. tas nāk kopā ar to, ka apbrīnoju viņu drosmi pienākt man klāt un piedāvāt savu draudzību.
0 rakstair doma
- 30.7.15 22:20
- Pret pašreizējo dvēseles stāvokli attiecos vienkārši (cik nu tas iespējams) kā pret lomkām no pēdējā mēneša dzīvesveida.
Nav vilinoši kļūt prātīgai.
0 rakstair doma