Sickbay of my imagination - Lielisks rakstiņš, kas pasaka daudz no tā, kādēļ mani piedur BF sērija [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Lielisks rakstiņš, kas pasaka daudz no tā, kādēļ mani piedur BF sērija [Apr. 13th, 2011|11:56 pm]
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[Putni dzied |Kryptic Minds and Leon Switch - Militant]

7. Bad Company 2’s ‘collapsing house’ noise shot straight to the top of my list titled ‘gaming noises that make me go “ohshitohshitohshit!”,’ right next to the gurgle of Ravenholm’s headcrab-chucking zombie. Houses used to be my friends. Their walls would save me from bullets, their staircases would provide neat little fire channels. Bad Company 2 broke my trust in houses.

It was a game where the safe and mundane turned against you in seconds, and it made the battlefield fluid and consistently lethal. Every time I escaped from a collapsing building, I left exhilarated. I’d turn and look back at the empty air where, a few seconds ago, stood concrete and bricks.

Battlefield 3 promises to be a bigger game. When you hand sniper rifles to internet soldiers and tell them to go and play across a mile of sand and buildings, it means repeated long-range death. Frustrating death. Unless you play the sniper’s game better than he does, you’ll never shift him from his hidey-house. But if you can bring the sky down on him, crush his friendly walls thanks to the weird magic of the Frostbite engine, you can turn the tide of the battle.

I’ve had a good taste of what previous versions of the Frostbite engine can do, but now I want more. I want to be able to accurately punch holes in rooftops, I want to be able to extract the core of a building with such precision that it topples. And I want to be able to blow everything – everything – into small chunks of masonry. Cover is so last year.

rest of the sauce
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