Sickbay of my imagination - April 27th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 27th, 2012

C# you say? [Apr. 27th, 2012|02:41 pm]
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Sea shark programmer
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qotd [Apr. 27th, 2012|03:49 pm]
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[Putni dzied |IP Neva - U-boat performance]

"Large numbers of capacitors and aspirin have been expended in attempts to eliminate these undesired signals and their resultant effects"

(c)AN101 by Linear technology group
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Ferrite beads for the masses! [Apr. 27th, 2012|04:46 pm]
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[Putni dzied |Ten Data Keshin - Ukusa]

Džims Williamss turpina izklaidēties publikācijās:
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[ viewing | April 27th, 2012 ]
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