Sickbay of my imagination - December 13th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 13th, 2010

The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks (Amazōne iesaka PT III) [Dec. 13th, 2010|02:19 am]
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Ever wonder why the a**hole always gets the girl? The answers are all here in this cradle-to-grave primer outlining how women can be manipulated, frustrated, and ultimately dominated through-out the course of a man's life. With no political correctness, no B.S., and no holds barred, who else but an a**hole could teach guys the essentials: -Dating in college (i.e., getting blackout drunk and having sex) -Women give sex to get love, men give love to get sex -Breaking up is not hard to do-if you do it first -How to cheat on your wife without getting caught -Everything that pornos are afraid to teach men about sex -And much more! With 'practical' advice throughout (inclu-ding tests, trivia, charts, and sidebars) and tons of hilarious tips to read aloud at parties, men will never be intimidated by women again!

by Karl Marks (rly?)
link4 koki mežā|iestādi koku

[Dec. 13th, 2010|03:13 am]
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[Putni dzied |System of a Down – Waiting for You]

The unsettled mind as it climbs in the light
Leaving the senses to fend for themselves
The senses collect from the valuable data
Of beta carotene and Thetawaves
The unsettled mind as it climbs in the light
Leaving the senses to fend for themselves, then
the senses wander the sky

The national debt as it climbs in the light
Leaving the people to fend for themselves
The people collect of the undeniable data
of eyeballs weapons and microwaves
The national debt as it climbs in the light
Leaving the people to fend for themselves, then
The people found out the lie
linkiestādi koku

[Dec. 13th, 2010|04:27 am]

Embracing friends and embarrassing foes. Or vice versa
linkiestādi koku

[Dec. 13th, 2010|04:34 am]

Jo ātrāk tinu "leitestus", jo vairāk rodas sajūta, ka stāvu sazarojumā – 13. janvāra/čaka–satekles.

ejiet zāģēt.
link1 koks iestādīts|iestādi koku

Landmine made man [Dec. 13th, 2010|12:39 pm]
Aside walks the Fool and Love's ugly children
linkiestādi koku

[Dec. 13th, 2010|07:38 pm]

Soļanka ar daudz–daudz krējumu un pipariem sanāca gulaša vietā.
linkiestādi koku

[Dec. 13th, 2010|07:55 pm]

He loves all creatures – great and small. Usually with fries
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