- 2/22/05 10:18 pm
- Dažu depresiju cēlonis.
Cilvēka prāts ir ļoti interesants: mēs domājam par nākotni ar pagātnes domām.
Un tās ir divas laicīgi nesavienojamas lietas, proti, nākotne ar pagātni.
Bet par nākotni vajag domāt, vismaz nedaudz. Tas, ka ar esošajiem
(nepietiekamajiem) prāta resursiem domājam par savu nākotni, protams,
uzdzīs sliktu pašsajūtu, pašapziņas sarukšanu un varbūt pat tā saukto
depresiju. Bet bez tā nevar. Tas mums liek rauties uz priekšu,
izvairīties no šķēršļiem, apejot tos. Progresēt - varbūt lēni, bet ar
vērienu. Signe saka, ka Veidenbaums nedomāja par nākotni, bet,
manuprāt, domāja pārāk daudz (un tad jau sāk parādīties tās pesimistiskās domiņas). Un tas viņu iedzina tik lielā depresijā (drīzāk izmisumā),
ka, apejot šķēršļus, viņš radīja arvien jaunus un jaunus, grūtāk
apejamus šķēršļus pats sev.
Atcerieties, Vedenbaums mūs reiz aicināja baudīt dzīvi? Un teicās, ka pats bauda.
Kā? Dzerdams. Viņš aicināja baudīt dzīvi, pats neprazdams. Un saprazdams, ka dzīve nav baudāma (pie tā noveda pārlieku liekā domāšana par nākotni). Un tāpēc arī nodevās šis prāts alkohola orģijām.
Balstoties uz manas hipotēzes, Veidenbaumu pazudināja tāda lieta, kā trūkstoša, veselīga pašanalīze. Viņš ne sūda nesaprata. - 10 atstāja kaut koatstāj kaut ko
- 2/22/05 10:21 pm
vispaar jau vinju pazudinaaja tuberkuloze.
- Reply
- 2/22/05 10:23 pm
Vispār es zinu.
- Reply
- 2/23/05 12:14 am
pohuj, gan jau ar laiku viņš būtu atstiepies kā kaut kāds sasodīts džims morisons - pilnīgā bezjēgā. tomēr mirt no tuberkolozes arī ir bezjēdzīgi, droši vien sods no augšas. gh
- Reply
- 2/22/05 11:01 pm
level of caring = 0.
- Reply
- 2/22/05 11:13 pm
Veidenbaumam trūka apņēmības kaut ko darīt lietas labā. Un tev ir absolūta taisnība.
- Reply
- 2/23/05 10:23 am
Vot dzīvi baudīt viņš toč neprata, vecais alkāns. Bet pašanalīze ir viena bīstama lieta. U never now what u are up to.
- Reply
- 2/23/05 01:55 pm
kilgors trauts
alkoholizeetas smadzenes ir labas smadzenes!
lai pirmais met akmeni kas pac bez vainas! - Reply
- 2/26/05 11:26 pm
tad kad uzraxtiisi kauko paliekoshu (piem. kaa Veidenbaums), tad arii vareesu gudri runaat. shobriid gudraak Tev buutu pakluseet.
- Reply
- shite ir paaris paziimes... nu ka vinjt tur sauca... nu tai... nu dpresijai tachu....
- 2/27/05 10:17 pm
* you believe you have more difficulty with relationships than the average person your age?
* you have difficulty trusting people?
* you tend to avoid social relationships?
* you prefer to be alone rather than in the company of others?
* you feel very anxious in social situations, or you are suspicious of their motives?
* you find yourself unaffected by praise or criticism?
* you see people who get taken advantage of as being weak and deserving of being used?
* you feel a yearning for acceptance among your peers?
* you have a difficult time relating to others?
* you believe you have special extrasensory abilities (ability to "sense" a person's presence, for example)?
* you often find that your emotions are inappropriate for a given situation?
* you plagued by suspicions that other people, including loved ones, may be doing things behind your back that will end up hurting you?
* others see you as being cold and distant?
* you tend to choose jobs that are below your skill level?
* you find it hard to concentrate on one thing for a long time?
* your appearance or behavior considered "eccentric" by other people?
* other people accused you of being cruel to animals or people?
* you take actions without thinking about the consequences?
* you sometimes profit at the expense of others, without being bothered by the pain or damage you may cause them?
* you consider your needs to be more important to you than the needs of others?
* your moods fluctuate a lot?
* you prone to bouts of anger?
* you often feel like people are saying negative things about you behind your back?
* you often see things in black and white terms? In other words, something either is or it isn't, with no gray area inbetween.
* you often uninterested in the feelings of others?
* you are talking to someone, do they sometimes have difficulty following your train of thought?
Are you quick to anger when your expectations are not met?
* you intentionally injure yourself, for instance by cutting yourself or taking too many pills?
* consider yourself having a strong love for approval and praise?
* other people accuse you of being manipulative?
* you had recurrent thoughts of suicide?
* you answered yes to the previous question, do you tend to have these suicidal thoughts during and after a break-up with someone?
* you tend to be critical of loved ones, sometimes holding them to higher standards than you hold yourself to?
* you very afraid of being alone?
* you focused on order and perfection?
* you feel that you are depressed a lot?
* you always feel the need to have a story to tell?
* you ever been in jail or done something that you could be put in jail for?
* other people accuse you of being self-centered?
* you occasionally or often dress or act provocatively to gain attention?
* you have a big fear of rejection (of any kind, not just romantic)?
* you often second-guess yourself?
* you find yourself exaggerating your achievements to win the respect of others?
* you frequently alternate between feelings of high self-worth and self-disappointment?
* you tend to lie a lot?
* you frequently reassure yourself that you are deserving of praise?
* you frequently reassure yourself that you are self-sufficient?
* you often feel uncomfortable in social situations?
* your concern for doing everything "right" interfere with your productivity? - Reply
- Papildinaajums shite ir paaris paziimes... nu ka vinjt tur sauca... nu tai... nu dpresijai tachu....
- 2/27/05 10:17 pm
* you have trouble not taking criticism personally?
* you feel the need to always be in a relationship?
* you quiet in social situations, often out of fear of saying something stupid?
* you often critical of weakness in others, particularly classmates or coworkers?
* you exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations in order to convince yourself not to try out new activities?
* you yearn for intimate relationships yet feel that you are too socially inept to obtain them?
* you ever steal things from stores or people's houses?
* you suffer from low confidence?
* you ever exaggerated illness or other weakness in order to get attention?
* you have an intense fear of separation from those you love?
* others accused you of being arrogant?
* you avoid working in teams because you are convinced that others are too careless and will not work to your standards?
* you often let others make important decisions for you?
* you have intense feelings of inadequacy and helplessness?
* you often get stuck on the details while missing the larger picture?
* you very concerned with your appearance and how others perceive you?
* others accuse you of being rigid or stubborn?
* you have a hard time throwing things away, even if they are old and worn out?
* you engage in any obsessive or compulsive behavior?
* your parents cold and distant or treated you negatively when you weregrowing up? - Reply