- 7/11/12 05:11 pm
Pārsmējos. No sērijas "Britu zinātnieki atklājuši, ka cilvēkiem garšo saldumi vairāk par sāļumiem".
LA Times ziņo, ka "It’s not just your hearing that’s at risk, according to a study out Monday in the June issue of the journal Pediatrics. Teens and young adults who listen to digital music players with ear buds are almost twice as likely as non-listeners to smoke pot, the study says. And those who attend concerts or frequent dance clubs are nearly six times as likely as homebodies to go on a binge-drinking bender."
Laikam jāpārstāj klausīties mūzika uz austiņām, jo citādāk vēl kļūšu par nariku.