- 12/19/10 03:12 pm
Britu menti paņirgājas par invalīdu-revolucionāru.
Viņš vaicā: "Do you think i've could have posed a physical threat to from the seat of my wheelchair to an army of police officers armed with weapons [and also rules of engagement]?
Intervētājs ir pilnīgs lohs, kuru vajadzētu momentā atlaist kā kauna traipu, kurš nespēj domāt, therefore nav domāts, lai runātu ar cilvēku, kurš visticamāk nav stulbs.
Džeks, kuru viņi ieliks atlaistā intervētaja vietā, atbildētu: "No, good sir, I think not. But there's just something simply amazing in the idea that a guy in a wheelchair could have had an idea so powerful that it would start riots - governments would fall, the blood of policemen and revolutionaries running down the streets in cities everywhere, a total overthrow of a system. Or maybe it's just another uncommon phenomenon - a change of positions by the shepherd and the sheep."
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