- 6/2/10 02:43 pm
Inese_TK raksta:
"tagad man ir skaidrs, kāpēc es droši vien nekad nekļūšu par vegānu - es esmu, vārda tiešā nozīmē, atkarīga:
Is there such a thing as cheese addiction? Is it an overstatement that you could, in fact, be addicted to cheese?
In the 1980s, scientists already discovered a trace of morphine in milk and dairy products, in particular, cheese.
Morphine, which is an addictive opiate, was found to be present in cow. Specifically, casein, a milk protein, releases opiates upon digestion. Cheese contains more casein than is found in milk from either cows or humans, because cheese is concentrated protein with water and lactose sugar extracted. Accordingly, eating too much cheese may result in cheese addiction. "