- 6/5/06 02:16 pm
FREUD, Sigmund
Fetishism (1927)
In the last few years I have had an opportunity of studying analytically a number of men whose object-choice was dominated by a fetish. There is no need to expect that these people came to analysis on account of their fetish. For though no doubt a fetish is recognized by its adherents as an abnormality, it is seldom felt by them as the symptom of an ailment accompanied by suffering. Usually they are quite satisfied with it, or even praise the way in which it eases their erotic life. As a rule, therefore, the fetish made its appearance in analysis as a subsidiary finding.
For obvious reasons the details of these cases must be withheld from publication; I cannot, therefore, show in what way accidental circumstances have contributed to the choice of a fetish. The most extraordinary case seemed to me to be one in which a young man had exalted a certain sort of 'shine on the nose' into a fetishistic preoccupation. The surprising explanation of this was that the patient had been brought up in an English nursery but had later come to Germany, where he forgot his mother-tongue almost completely. The fetish which originated from his earliest childhood, had to be understood in English, not German. The "shine on the nose" [in German ("Glanz auf der Nase") --was in reality a "glance at the nose." The nose was thus the fetish, which incidentally, he endowed at will with the luminous shine which was not perceptible to others.