- Splinter Cell nebeidz pārsteigt
- 5/31/06 10:46 pm
Mercenary 1: Argh! This squeaking is driving me crazy, sounds like i'm walking on a random word!
Mercenary 2: It's an anti-ninja floor, It's for protection against ninjas.
Mercenary 1: Ninjas?! There's no such thing as ninjas!
Mercenary 2: Oh yeah? Back in 2004 that thing in Georgia, I had a contract to secure this oil rig. We got attacked by a ninja.
Mercenary 1: Ya crazy...
Mercenary 2: Tell you what, If you don't beleve why don't we switch plaeces and i'll patrol over the anti-ninja floor.
Mercenary 1: Fine, I'll go guard your spot.
Mercenary 2: Deal!
Mercenary 1: Keke, watch out for ninjas sux0r, they are listening!
Mercenary 2: ...
Sam Fisher: (no mugurpuses, ar nazi pie rīkles) Bad news!
Mercenary 1: Argh! I knew it, I knew there were ninjas here!
Sam Fisher: WTF?!
Mercenary 1: Yeah... you must be a ninja... how else you could sneak up and grab me like that?
Sam Fisher: Listen, I don't know what..
Mercenary 1: Wow! I can't beleve it! A real live ninja!
Sam Fisher: Listen, I'm gonna kill you if..
Mercenary 1: Wow! Killed by a ninja... cool
Sems izgriež algotņa roku
Mercenary 1: Listen, If you have to kill me do it with your bagpipes!
Sam Fisher: ???
Mercenary 2: Hey everything okay down there?
snap, crack, back in the shadows