- 1/27/06 01:17 am
mārtiņam rakstīšu koncerta mp3, pie reizes varu piemest kaut ko no DIJ, man ir:
93 Dead Sunwheels [1989]
All Pigs Must Die [2001]
Born Again [1985]
Brown book [1988]
Burial [1983]
But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter [1992]
Death in June & Boyd Rice - Alarm Agents [2004]
death in june & les joyaux de la princesse - ostenbraun [1989]
Kapo [1996]
Nada! [1985]
Occidental Martyr [1995]
Operation Hummingbird [2000]
Rose Clouds Of Holocaust [1995]
take care and control [1998]
The Cathedral Of Tears [1991]
The Corn Years [1989]
The Guilty Have No Past [1983]
The Wall Of Sacrifice [1990]
The World That Summer [1986]
pārējie visādi koncertieraksti. kas tev nav?