- 2/16/18 08:28 am
Sāc ar to, ka tā mūžīgi degošā spuldžite netiek slēgāta iekšā/ārā.
Otrkārt, arī kvēldiegs tai ir krietni resnāks.
"While it might seem astonishing that so many longest-lasting light bulbs have been so infrequently turned off, this is the precise reason for their longevity. Most of the wear and tear that leads to burnouts in incandescent light bulbs is caused by turning them on and off, not by burning them. Each time the bulb is turned on and off, the filament is heated and cooled. This causes the material of the filament to expand and contract, in turn causing micro stress cracks to develop. The more the light is turned on and off, the larger these cracks grow, until eventually the filament breaks at some point, in non-spectacular fashion, thus causing the light to burn out."