- 2/15/18 10:37 am
Redzi, zinātnieki ļoti labi spēj izskaidrot lielāko daļu evolūcijas, taču vienu posmu gan nespēj. It kā būtu noticis kas maģisks tajā posmā. Es runāju par t.s. zudušo cilvēka evol.posmu. Tas arī ir tas posms, kur šie mūsu brāļi, pēc kuru veidola tikām veidoti, darbojās gar mums. Supposedly. Tas saistīts ar 9. planētu, kā linku tev devu, lai noskaties par to.
The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only partially understood. Its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers throughout history that it possesses particular importance. This combination led to its being regarded as a "mystery" gland with mystical, metaphysical, and occult theories surrounding its perceived functions.
The pineal gland was originally believed to be a "vestigial remnant" of a larger organ. In 1917, it was known that extract of cow pineals lightened frog skin. Dermatology professor Aaron B. Lerner and colleagues at Yale University, hoping that a substance from the pineal might be useful in treating skin diseases, isolated and named the hormone melatonin in 1958.[64] The substance did not prove to be helpful as intended, but its discovery helped solve several mysteries such as why removing the rat's pineal accelerated ovary growth, why keeping rats in constant light decreased the weight of their pineals, and why pinealectomy and constant light affect ovary growth to an equal extent; this knowledge gave a boost to the then new field of chronobiology.