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- 5/16/05 11:33 pm
Mani veikumi 15/16 gados
dies irae dies illa
solvet saeculum im forvilla
dies irae dies illa
solvet saeculum im forvilla
it will come from oblivious like a tramp
no one will know when it will be present
it will come from silence like a shadow
four riders will come ahead
and fourth name will be death
they will bring the chaos and the mess
none will bear all will fear
salve antichristus filius tenebrae
mors labes et dolor nostrae salve
ad te clamamus exules filius Evae
ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes
in hac valle lacrimae
shudder the world shudder the sky
shudder all people by immortal fear
in theses days people will search for decease
but they will find no decease
they will want to die
but death will flee out of them
vox clamantis in infernale
apocalypsis apocalypsis apocalypses
trisitia magna muntio vobis
apocalypsis apocalypsis apocalypsis
pain and fear will cover the world
groan of humans will reach the sun
apocalypsis apocalypsis apocalypses
whole world destroyed by pain and fire
in chaos will get lost
perat mundus perat mundus
deus ermitus est indeferentus
apocalypsis apocalypsis apocalypses
deus ermitus est indeferentus
apocalypsis apocalypsis apocalypses
pater noster, quies in coelis
sanctificentur nomen tuum
adveniat regnum tuum
fiat voluntas tua
sicut in coelo et in terra...
we pray for mercy
we pray for glory
you set us free from slavery
but why we are so shady
panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie
...et dimitte nobis debita nostra
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris...
god gives us life
he gives us food
he sets us free from all us sins
but why we feel no glory
...et ne nos inducas in tentationem
sed libera nos a malo...
we feel no mercy
we feel no glory
we set us free from this cruel life
god come and bring us to the heaven
...quia tuum est regnum et potestas
et gloria in saecula
we only feel suffer
we only feel torment
where are you god
come and show us paradise