- 4/26/15 10:34 pm
i.e. the music is awesome, bet es, cilvēks, paklausos vārdiņus (ko es gandrīz nekad nedaru)- a tur kaut kādas pasīvi agresīvo psihopātu (neveiksmīgais tips) flirtes ar interpolu un otrādi.
ir, protams, mūzika, kur tas tiek darīts profesionāli un vārdu autors vienkārši izklausās nekontaktā ar realitāti (vārdiem nav nekādas acīmredzamas jēgas) un tiek uzskatīts vienkārši par dīvanu, tomēr tas nekaitē mūzikas popularitātei, bet ir mūzika, kas vnk liek gribēt to bitchslap every C.I.A. & N.S.A. policy maker. simply sitting on someones head and shitting. and shitting. and shitting.
the most funny part about this all is - THESE METHODS DO NOT WORK. :D
it's just that in the end we have whole lot of musically sophisticated, interesting music, with, in the best case, weird but pointless lyrics, in the worst case - whole lot of music that is shitted on, shitted in and realizing that makes you feel like you've been shitted in too.
and have the methods used have justified them being used at all and has anything worth attention (despite loads and loads of messed up music) been achieved? absolutely no.