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Monday, January 24th, 2005

    Time Event
    au, fcuk, ka tik es neesmu izgaazusies atkal... :///////
    i just love this song
    There’s an emptiness inside her
    And she’d do anything to fill it in
    But all the colors mix together - to grey
    And it breaks her heart

    Current Music: Dave Matthews band - Grey street
    varbuut pakaarties uzreiz? :/
    man riebjas mazi puishelji, mazi beerni vispaar... diemzheel viens no shitaas pasugas shobriid danco man apkaart! grrrrrrr

    buus jaarestauree vecaas vidusskolas klades, kur mees ar draudzeni inzhenieriskaa ruupiibaa ziimeejaam sheemas un pamaaciibas kaa vislabaak nogalinaat "kid`us".

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