- WTF?
- 1/4/11 11:45 am
- Krisjans are highly intelligent men who take control of their surroundings and rule with an iron fist. The problem is noone can ever prove a Krisjan is in charge of it all.
Lives life by a few very simple rules.
1. Never punch hookers.
2. Only date a woman who will let you spit in her mouth.
3. Always point out that cunts cause wrecks.
Watch out, Krisjan's coming.
iness atklājums via - 7Add
- 1/4/11 12:19 pm
baile metās no tevis ..D - Reply
- 1/4/11 12:20 pm
Pirmo un trešo punktu ignorēšu, bet pie otrā gan pieturēšos :D
- Reply
- 1/4/11 12:21 pm
es visu laiku gribēju tev tieši par to otro punktu rakstīt, bet tad nodomāju, ka nav ko raustīt tīģeri aiz ūsām ..D - Reply
- 1/4/11 12:22 pm
Iekārdināja? Har har har!
- Reply
- 1/4/11 12:28 pm
nešaubīgi ..P
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- 1/4/11 01:45 pm
Krisjan nav tas pats kas Krišjānīts
- Reply
- 1/4/11 01:46 pm
murrr :D
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