Dance me to the end of love - May 24th, 2008

About May 24th, 2008

Ir nu gan cilvēki!01:57 pm
Vakar ar savu ideālo vīrieti gājām gar Uzvaras pieminekli, ieraudzījām kaut kādu diezgan apdzērušos, kas tur pat, pieminekļa pakājē, sāka ģērbties nost, un visiem vēja zvaniem plīvojot skraidīja apkārt, līdz iegāzās turpat esošajā dīķītī. Un viņa meitene neko viņam par to neteica, tikai mierīgi noskatījās, kā šis tur pilnīgi pliks skraidelē. Beigās atbrauca policija.

__________P.S._________03:01 pm
"Atslēga ir visskaistākā no visām lietām tik ilgi, kamēr mēs nezinām, kas ar to ir aizslēgts."

(M.Māterlings "Aglavena un Selizette")
Balsis galvā un aiz tās: Baložu pilni pagalmi- Redzot tevi šodien

Skaisti...03:34 pm
Lou Reed

Perfect Day

Just a perfect day,
Drink Sangria in the park,
And then later, when it gets dark,
We go home.
Just a perfect day,
Feed animals in the zoo
Then later, a movie, too,
And then home.

Oh it's such a perfect day,
I'm glad I spent it with you.
Oh such a perfect day,
You just keep me hanging on,
You just keep me hanging on.

Just a perfect day,
Problems all left alone,
Weekenders on our own.
It's such fun.
Just a perfect day,
You made me forget myself.
I thought I was someone else,
Someone good.

Oh it's such a perfect day,
I'm glad I spent it with you.
Oh such a perfect day,
You just keep me hanging on,
You just keep me hanging on.

You're going to reap just what you sow,
You're going to reap just what you sow,
You're going to reap just what you sow,
You're going to reap just what you sow...
Mirkļa lamatas manās miesās: Drink sangria in the park
Balsis galvā un aiz tās: Lou Reed- Perfect day
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