Dance me to the end of love - May 12th, 2007

About May 12th, 2007

Sasodītais mizantropisms un citas garšīgas lietas10:53 am
Iesāku lasīt A. Šopenhauera "Aforismi dzīves gudrībai". Tāda grāmata... Mani vnk sajūsmina...

"Iedomājieties , per impossible, lielu ļoti saprātīgu un garīgi bagātu cilvēku sabiedrību, kurā būtu divi muļķi, tad viņi simpatētiski justos saistīti, un drīz vien ikviens no abiem savā sirdī priecātos, ka izdevies atrast vismaz vienu prātīgu vīru. Patiesi dīvaini būt lieciniekam tam, ka divi, jo īpaši morālās un intelektuālās atpalicības gadījumā, atpazīst viens otru jau pēc pirmā acu uzmetiena, dedzīgi tiecas viens otram tuvināties, draudzīgi un priecīgi sasveicinoties, steidzas viens otram pretim, it kā būtu seni paziņas..."

Mirkļa lamatas manās miesās: jestra
Balsis galvā un aiz tās: Seed(India)- My side of the sunrise

Skumjas07:05 pm
Skumjas, kas skrien gar sienām kā ēnas...Trausla pasaule, kas pil gar pakausi.

Viss aizplūst, viss zūd. Nenoturības sajūta. Atmiņu viļņi...

Jesus the Mexican boy
born in a truck on the fourth of July
gave me a card with a lady naked on the back
Barefoot at night on the road
Fireworks blooming above in the sky
I never knew I was given the best one from the deck

He never wanted nothing I remember
Maybe a broken bottle if I had two
Hanging behind his holy even temper
Hiding the more unholy things I do

Jesus the Mexican boy
Gave me a ride on the back of his bike
Out to the fair though I welched on a $5 bet
Drunk on Calliope songs
We met a home-wrecking carnival girl
He's never asked for a favor or the money yet

Jesus the Mexican boy
Born in a truck on the 4th of July
I fell in love with his sister unrepentantly
Fearing he wouldn't approve
We made a lie that was feeble at best
Boarded a train bound for Vegas and married secretly

I never gave him nothing I remember
Maybe a broken bottle if I had to
Hanging behind his holy even temper
Hiding the more unholy things I do

Jesus the Mexican boy
Wearing a long desert trip on his tie
Lo and behold he was standing under the welcome sign
Naked the Judas in me
Fell by the tracks but he lifted me high
Kissing my head like a brother and never asking why

Kaut kas tur ir...
It kā mūzika spētu aiznest prom... It kā telpa nolobītos un pazustu...
Mirkļa lamatas manās miesās: Skumjas
Balsis galvā un aiz tās: Iron and wine- Jesus a mexican boy
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