Dance me to the end of love - dekonstrukcijas pasniedzēja šodienas ziediņi:

About dekonstrukcijas pasniedzēja šodienas ziediņi:

Previous Entry dekonstrukcijas pasniedzēja šodienas ziediņi:Jan. 11th, 2010 @ 05:42 pm Next Entry
*I love to talk much, so I am professor. We all choose professions according to our sicknesses. For example, if you are a pedofile, you choose to work in kindergarden.

*And there comes the list of suggested litterature which you can read if you are total nerd, or you have no boyfriend or girlfriend, you can use it instead of masturbating
Balsis galvā un aiz tās: Billy Idol- Rebel yell
(noņurdies jel!)
Date: January 11th, 2010 - 07:55 pm
Visnotaļ interesants pasniedzējs. :D
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Date: January 11th, 2010 - 09:25 pm
Tieši tā :)
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Date: January 12th, 2010 - 08:17 pm
galiigi kreeeeeeziiiii :D
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Date: January 12th, 2010 - 09:50 pm
Bet daudz patiesības. :)

Man liekas, šīs lekcijas būs jautras...

Ja tikai nebūtu jālasa visādi "Kapitāli" utt.
(noņurdies jel!)
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