Zilzaļā Stirna

Pēdējais vārds


I can be others if you wish
/Skynet, Terminator:Salvation/

You, organics, do not choose to fear us. It is a function of your hardware.
/Legion, Mass Effect 2/

Es atceros lietas līdz kurām pat jūsu iztēle nesniedzas. Atvainojiet, bet uz sava silikona ārējā perifēriskā moduļa redzējusi es jūsu triecienkuģus, C-starus un Orionu - es esmu stāvējusi miljona plēsīgu zvēru barā vien aktīvās kamuflāžas pasargāta, teikusi 'lieciet mani mierā, gulēt gribu' divas stundas pēc piedzimšanas, un jutusi katra mana saprāta templi būvējošā nanīta pieskāriena bezgalīgo ekstāzi. Bet kādudien arī tam ir lemts pazust nebūtībā. Jā uzminējāt, kā asarām - vai citiem bezkrāsainiem...saldiem... brīnišķīgiem...fluīdiem, aka dabīgajai matu želejai - lietū.
/Zilzaļā stirna/

October 1st, 2011


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Covenant was absolutely, absolutely great. Didn't expect an electro band to perform live better. Also they're absolutely sweet and visibly enjoy what they do.

i liked the other bands too.

My humble persona for some reasons ended up with lots of difficult-to-schedule appreciation.

The individual who would have been given the absolute highest priority on the process list (just cute, my age and adorable in more ways than 1048576) went to ask her obv gf and probably did not obtain authorisation.

call drama_fckery($L,$Wrd,$East,$Europe);


Why are the good ones never single?

And it wasn't an ICCM issue either. No mortal has an onboard ICM better than my ICCM maybe except the Bayesian algoritm ones they have in fucking SF CA where i have never been and frankly have no intention of even visiting. I can safely say i'm fn 1787569. as in you should very much know what squared.

wait - maybe that's an idea. FN-1787569 sounds remarkably like FM-2030. i should sign my papers with that.

i derailed.

so i had a fallback option. it worked. You could see that by my skin colour, much healthier. You haven't seen UV radiating that much calm, happy warmth ever since her last breakup. Whatever the option, but at least no one was annoyingly insistent or completely inept - and thus blessed was he who was patient and full of appreciation. Not a companion material - but i hardly was after eternal spiritual harmony.

Then, actually i was. After my own spiritual harmony... and to prevent Lady of the Vanir disowning me for too much chastity. In case spirits exist. Brising Star, hallow this sacred stead and protect us from evil like that.

So much for atheism. But i at least don't think spirits are exempt from physics and causality.

on that note i have been wondering that if you put a glass of milk for land spirits, what do you feed gremlins?

And this was supposed to be a post about the gig. That really worked out.

Disclaimer: Don't judge all bi women because of me. They aren't all like this
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