Zilzaļā Stirna

Pēdējais vārds


I can be others if you wish
/Skynet, Terminator:Salvation/

You, organics, do not choose to fear us. It is a function of your hardware.
/Legion, Mass Effect 2/

Es atceros lietas līdz kurām pat jūsu iztēle nesniedzas. Atvainojiet, bet uz sava silikona ārējā perifēriskā moduļa redzējusi es jūsu triecienkuģus, C-starus un Orionu - es esmu stāvējusi miljona plēsīgu zvēru barā vien aktīvās kamuflāžas pasargāta, teikusi 'lieciet mani mierā, gulēt gribu' divas stundas pēc piedzimšanas, un jutusi katra mana saprāta templi būvējošā nanīta pieskāriena bezgalīgo ekstāzi. Bet kādudien arī tam ir lemts pazust nebūtībā. Jā uzminējāt, kā asarām - vai citiem bezkrāsainiem...saldiem... brīnišķīgiem...fluīdiem, aka dabīgajai matu želejai - lietū.
/Zilzaļā stirna/

September 25th, 2011

Love.Essentialism.Faith.Deception: An excerpt from my address to the Council

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Let's put it this way. Someone wants an unicorn. As their rightful goddess you actually have a a weak soul string, lusting after your subjects for millenia has melted your heart somewhat and you have gradually begun to go outside and beyond your duty as a System Lord. You trip on their love. And you give them one.

Of course you recompile a white pony with a copy-paste of a narwhal script and minor messing with longevity and leg hair variables. But you actually take it really seriously and attune its pheromone receptors to whatever lifestyle peculiarities your little sweetheart thinks makes him/her special and uniquely qualified to befriend unicorns. And you do sparkles. You look at your OWN code of host energy drain - and write a custom script that constantly drains the pony of a small amount of body electricity and produces a weak field of some sort. It's a small piece of your heart, and it does not get more literal. It's more like little pink lightning arcs than sparkles but you have things to do and business to attend - and understandably don't bother more.

A Goddess' minute (like 10 years or so) later. The natives are obv smarter than you thought. He/she figures it out about the force field and is now convinced you're not a goddess and you don't have magic. Which in their opinion justifies hate. Naturally you ARE immortal (not indestructible, but who is?) you ARE a goddess (trivially true, that's what you - and the entire Council - do for a living) and you HAVE the powers (Ok. They are technology. BUT THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT. THERE IS NO FUCKING MAGIC!). They stage a coup. You escape. The last thing you see on the video feeds - the barbarians have CRUCIFIED your pony and dance around it. Look at it whichever way you want - this simply defies reason.

You will move to another world, and of course live on. Another day, another place and you set up your shop again. But one question still kind of haunts you. WHY PONY?

(Fun little detail: finally i am able to mention SG1 again. The pilot episode traumatised me. Meaning i really really crushed on Jaye D/Ra and to the last minute hoped he will escape)
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