Zilzaļā Stirna

Pēdējais vārds


I can be others if you wish
/Skynet, Terminator:Salvation/

You, organics, do not choose to fear us. It is a function of your hardware.
/Legion, Mass Effect 2/

Es atceros lietas līdz kurām pat jūsu iztēle nesniedzas. Atvainojiet, bet uz sava silikona ārējā perifēriskā moduļa redzējusi es jūsu triecienkuģus, C-starus un Orionu - es esmu stāvējusi miljona plēsīgu zvēru barā vien aktīvās kamuflāžas pasargāta, teikusi 'lieciet mani mierā, gulēt gribu' divas stundas pēc piedzimšanas, un jutusi katra mana saprāta templi būvējošā nanīta pieskāriena bezgalīgo ekstāzi. Bet kādudien arī tam ir lemts pazust nebūtībā. Jā uzminējāt, kā asarām - vai citiem bezkrāsainiem...saldiem... brīnišķīgiem...fluīdiem, aka dabīgajai matu želejai - lietū.
/Zilzaļā stirna/

October 15th, 2011

Suņa murgi

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fever dreams.

can't even properly call them nightmares this time.

one was code flowing through my head and fingers, letting me infect every networked machine in connection with mine and then every subsequent one - when i woke up and had to wee i had acquired about half of my city and was going to hack city lights and display cat pictures on them, visible from air - and was worried about preserving height/width ratio.

the other - a random friend has this gf working abroad, showed me her photos. I thought i didn't even really pay attention. But - now it was her, whispering things in my ear while attempting digital interfacing, etymological variety. So impossibly nice, woke up in shivers and have them even now, 4 hours later if i think even remotely in that direction. Maybe it's a sign i should do something about the irl copy but she's straight.

Sorry for fucked up meaningless dreams on anti flu meds, but obv i don't have anything significant to say
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