Klausos P9 un tā nekas lirika...mmmjā ne-anglosfēras cilvēkiem kas nav lietas kursā par noteiktām patumšām kādas subkultūras pēdējo 40 gadu vēstures lappusēm protams būs sarežģīti saprast ko specifiski ES tur esmu atradusi. Bet šī dziesma ir tik nenormāli iedvesmojoša. (Eclipse Phase: Man liekas ka Dee viņu bija uzlikusi sev uz komunikatora, Valeria Haven operācijas noslēguma fāzē. F.F. Coppola ftw ;) )
Poisoned by your creed
I kill the faith to cure the sickness
Down on your knees
Prove to me you'll die for your belief
And when i purge all the morals you breed
To be clean to be clean
For the coming collapse of your dream
Your scattered bones will build my effigy
I wear the scar of the deceiver
And in the end when i've turned your lives to dust
And obliterated every trace of you from my mind
I'll be free to make this world my own
Don't cry to me, this is what you want
This is what you asked for
This is your prophecy
And i've come to see it through
Un man ir pilna istaba ar ziediem - smaržo tik jauki
kandžu gan dzert nevajadzēja