tors' Journal
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Monday, July 16th, 2012

Time:2:49 pm.
reinis r. šorīt pamodās ar zilu aci. neviens nesaprot kā tas varētu būt gadījies.
1. the shit uz matīsa uzvalka that no one took. ~2010, sth
2. reiņa zilā acs that no one gave him. 2012.07.16
3. ?
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Time:6:28 pm.
I would like to write a song
That is so vibrant and so intimate
That the earth would adopt it
As if it had sprung like a stream
From the land's memory

As if no one had written it but life itself
And my song would travel along
From bird to wing, to tree
To breeze to heart to breath to song
Because a song belongs to everyone
Like the spring
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Time:7:10 pm.
Mood:infinite lines..
there are some songs, which you think can't get any more beautiful, and then they go ahead and cross that line on you too.
music, i love you.
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Time:8:47 pm.
1. projecēt uz cilvēkiem, kurus satiec perfektus tēlus, uz notikumiem, kurus plāno - perfektu notikumu gaitu, un vilties savās ilūzijās.
2. tie čaļi, kuri tā piemetas, ka nevar pacelt rokas, speciāli sakasās ar kkādiem lohiem rindā pie maķīša, dabū pa muti, un no rīta par to pasmaida. tā patiesi.
dabūt pa muti naktī rindā pie maķīša vispār ir vienkārši tik stulbi, ka šķiet skaisti.
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Time:9:08 pm.
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT) is an environmental movement that calls for all people to abstain from reproduction to cause the gradual voluntary extinction of humankind.
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tors' Journal

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