tors' Journal
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Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Time:3:18 am.
Music:leo cohen..
Stranger: Nature, humans just like any other creature has instinct, intuition and there bio. effecting there abiltys thus there perspective and perspective results in actions.
Stranger: Humans from all sorts of cultures and enviorments show similar attribution in certain situations.
Stranger: ya people can transcend nature but its hard and many don't. For example Humans want to survive personally this is build into us, someone does something that would harm us the first reacting is to not get harmed.
You: where are you from, btw?
Stranger: ah west coast, u?
You: west coast, as in USA?
Stranger: yup
You: get the fuck outta here :D
Stranger: u?


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tors' Journal

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