[Aug. 11th, 2008|12:16 pm] |
Vakar noskatījos'šito interviju CNN: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0808/10/le.01.html
Bļin, šermuļi pa kauliem. Sevišķi "patika" šitie citāti:
SAAKASHVILI: Well, one has to say that America is very highly regarded in Georgia. By the way, that's maybe one of the reasons why we're being attacked. You know, one of the bombs -- one of the unexploded bombs found on a shut down Russian plane yesterday, tragicomically said, "this is for Americans, this is for NATO," in Russian. And it didn't explode. ________________________________________________
BLITZER: Let me ask a blunt question. Would you like the United States to offer military assistance to your country right now? (labs jautājums, ne? interesanti, kas būtu, ja atbilde būtu - davai! ASV, nāciet ar savējiem palīgā?)
SAAKASHVILI: Well, I wouldn't speculate about it, because I think our forces are capable enough, and they've been really doing a good job. But, you know, we need to stop hostility. We don't need further military action. We need to stop it. We need to bring back peace. And a cease-fire is about both sides (inaudible). |