thel ([info]thel) wrote on May 29th, 2010 at 06:09 pm
Filozofu dziesma
Montī Paitona "Filozofu dziesma", protams, ir klasika. Tiesa, muzikāli tā drīzāk iederas pie krogus galda, kad alu dzeroši filozofi ir zaudējuši pēdējās elitisma paliekas. Taču ko darīt, ja ir romantiski eksistenciāls noskaņojums? Tādā gadījumā vnk lielisks fons ir Yellowstone & voice trieciengabals 'Philosopher'.
Klausoties šo dziesmu vairākas reizes teju vai nokritu no krēsla.
Sevišķi pie rindiņām: Can you survive the world you teach?
And can we live the world you preach?
All of your people out of reach
Un nogalinošs piedziedājums:

All of the children in the park
Searching the sculpture to find where you are
All of the blind men in the dark follow you
Do you know where you go?
All of the travelers on the road
Put down the burdens to see where you go
All of the mortals with their loss
Follow you anywhere, follow you.
Do you know where you go?
If he should turn his head around
He will see theyre all about
All of these people falling down.
Can you survive the world you teach?
And can we live the world you preach?
All of your people out of reach.
All of the people wanting more,
Needing to follow a philosopher
All of the wealthy and the poor
Follow you anywhere, follow you.
Do you know where you go?
If he should turn his head around
He will see theyre all about
All of these people falling down.
Can you survive the world you teach?
And can we live the world you preach?
All of your people out of reach
If he should turn his head around
He will see theyre all about
All of these people falling down
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