Dažkārt izdzirdu, lasu muļķīgus jautājumus par to, kas būtu jādara, lai sasniegtu to vai to. Piemēram, kā kļūt par labu rakstnieku vai kā uzrakstīt ko labu. Kritēriji tam, ko nozīmē labs rakstnieks jau ir definēti (vakardienas sarunā es kautrīgi bildu, ka esmu izpildījis aptuveni 50% no prasītā, sarunubiedrene apgalvoja, ka teju vai 60, ja ne visi 70%. Šorīt ceru, ka tuvojos 80%). Bet ko nu vairs.
how to be a good writer
by Charles Bukowski
you've got to fuck a great many women
beautiful women
and write a few decent love poems.
and don't worry about age
and/or freshly-arrived talents.
just drink more beer
more and more beer
and attend the racetrack at least once a
and win
if possible
learning to win is hard -
any slob can be a good loser.
and don't forget your Brahms
and your Bach and your
don't overexercise.
sleep until moon.
avoid paying credit cards
or paying for anything on
remember that there isn't a piece of ass
in this world over $50
(in 1977).
and if you have the ability to love
love yourself first
but always be aware of the possibility of
total defeat
whether the reason for that defeat
seems right or wrong -
an early taste of death is not necessarily
a bad thing.
stay out of churches and bars and museums,
and like the spider be
patient -
time is everybody's cross,
all that dross.
stay with the beer.
beer is continuous blood.
a continuous lover.
get a large typewriter
and as the footsteps go up and down
outside your window
hit that thing
hit it hard
make it a heavyweight fight
make it the bull when he first charges in
and remember the old dogs
who fought so well:
Hemingway, Celine, Dostoevsky, Hamsun.
If you think they didn't go crazy
in tiny rooms
just like you're doing now
without women
without food
without hope
then you're not ready.
drink more beer.
there's time.
and if there's not
that's all right
beigtas lapsas memuāri - Post a comment
dirsne un ņemte (c) P.B.
thel (thel) wrote on October 2nd, 2008 at 12:34 pm
par rakstniekiem un lasītājiem