08 June 2009 @ 01:01 am
White noise  
Pabeidzu lasīt Dellilo 'Troksni'. (Manā vērtējumā - 3.5-4 acis).
amazon.com vienas zvaigznītes ūberkritiķi:

This book has virtually no plot, the characterisation is almost non-existent, and it isn't funny. I bought the book because the idea of Hitler Studies was amusing, but the idea remains completely undeveloped. Maybe I missed the satire somehow, not being an American, but it seems like virtually everyone is tediously normal - apart from the fact that the children speak like adults and none of the characters are well drawn. The prose is very well constructed, but personally I like a bit of content too.

Some of the other reviewers seem to think that this tedium and pointlessness is the underlying message of the book. If I thought there were enough people like this, I'd start a restaurant selling cardboard, grilled, boiled, sauteed... I'd tell customers it was a clever satire on British food.


Books like this (and for the most part, many works of Pynchon and Vonnegut) provide social commentary and overblown allegories of life in the modern age. White Noise is trying so hard to teach lessons and issue warnings that the message comes across as subtly as a teacher holding up multiplication table flash cards. Along with Breakfast of Champions and The Crying of Lot 49, this is the kind of book that I will no longer feel guilty about not liking. Boring and unrealistic, with a plot that wanders like a donkey lost in the desert, this self-important book provides me with absolutely no reading enjoyment. It's like listening to a 20 minute guitar solo by some bored jazz musician who turns his back to the audience. I've left the concert, see you at the bar. Read William Vollmann instead.