thel ([info]thel) wrote on February 1st, 2012 at 12:22 am
mūsdienās tiešām varētu būt tāds scenārijs...

Par bildes (1950. gada vasarā) tapšanu biogrāfijā ir rakstīts: ‘She had taken her bath. It was while she fussed at the sink afterwards that I [Art Shay - zināms Čikāgas fotogrāfs] had the sudden impulse. She knew I took it because she heard the click of my trusty wartime Leica Model F. “Naughty man,” she said.’ (Hazel Rowley (2005) Tête-à-Tête: The Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. - Harper Perennial, p.208-9./

Bonal&Ribowska (2001) Simone de Beauvoir - Jazz, p.86, ir atrodama piebilde: "He drove her home, and since Algren [viens no Bovuāras mīļākajiem] was not yet back from playing poker, they sat in the car and had a long conversation about literature, frienship, and fidelity."
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