Ievads ir tā grāmatas vieta, kur filozofi var izrādīt savu asprātību.
Finally, several readers have justly complained that my discussion of Mellisus' metaphysics is very hard to follow: it is difficult to remember, thirty pages on, what theorem (T6) of Mellisan metaphysics was; and the exposition cannot be understood without exasperatingly frequent back references. I hope that bookmark inserted in the present edition may remove that difficulty - and also the similar but minor difficulty in the case of Xenophanes' theology. (Jonathan Barnes, The Presocratic Philosophers . p.xxi.)
Šajā kontekstā mani priecē, ka, piem., Liepnieka un Rītupa izdevniecības grāmatām ir pat divas grāmatzīmes. Varbūt kādam palīdz.
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dirsne un ņemte (c) P.B.
thel (thel) wrote on August 29th, 2011 at 03:53 pm