Sat, Apr. 1st, 2017, 12:46 am
[info]tethys_: He is dark, he is handsome... and the King is away.

Stāsts par Bladauvedu (stulbi latviskojas) ir viens no stindzinoši skaistākajiem mitoloģijā, ko es zinu. Karalis vēlējās sev perfektu sievieti, tāpēc burvji uzbūra viņam visskaistāko no ziediem. Viņa mēģināja mīlēt karali, bet viņš bija karotājs, kurš mīlēja nogalināt, bet Bladauveda bija radīta no ziediem... viņa satika dzejnieku, kurā iemīlējās, jo viņai nebija nekā kopēja ar karali, un viņi nolēma nogalināt viņu. Tas viss beidzās ļoti skumji. Blodouveda tika pārvērsta par pūci, kuru ienīst visi putni, un viņa nekad neredz dienas gaismu, neredz sauli un ziedus, no kuriem ir radīta.
Kurš vainīgs? Burvji, karalis... nevar no ziediem prasīt mīlēt karu un asinis. Nevar kādu radīt tikai tāpēc, lai tas mīlētu to, kas ir pretējs. Mīlēt nevar piespiest.
Tāds Balteina stāstiņš...

Look into the water, tell me what do you see?
I see a woman of flowers crying out to be free.
I see a Goddess, a woman, in a circle of trees.
I see Math and Gwydion fall to their knees.
Fall to their knees.

Welcome the May Queen,
Sing for her now,
For as the year turns to Samhain
She'll return as an owl,
Blodeuwedd the owl.

Stand alone in the tower, watch over your land.
Hear the call of a hunter, call him into your hands.
He is dark, he is handsome, and the King is away,
Gronw says he must go now, but you ask him to stay,

Ask him to stay.

She can't live without him, so while the King is away,
They plot to kill him in a year and a day.
With a foot on a cauldron, a goat holds him true.
By a fast running river, came the spear from Gronw,
And the eagle it flew.

My son where are you? For only I see,
An old rotting eagle upon an oak tree.
Come to me young lion and rest this night,
For your wife is a bird now, she will never see light,
Cursed to hunt in the night.

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