Sat, Mar. 8th, 2014, 02:03 pm
[info]tethys_: Kārtējais dažkas

Dzīvot vienai ir ļoti patīkami, ļoti izbaudu. Nekur negribas iet, nekur socializēties. Gribas sēdēt mājās un izbaudīt to, ka viss ir pa manam prātam, visi trauki tīri, grīda spodra, gulta piemētāta ar drēbēm, visa gulta mana gulēšanai jūraszvaigznes pozā, mūzika mana, filmas skaļi, meditācijas, miers, maģija, dejas, pilnīgi netraucēti.
Sarakstos ar vienu masonu puisi, kas aktīvi sit kanti tādā šausmīgi jocīgā, cēli poētiskā veidā.
[07.03.2014. 23:04:12] Roland AY: Hello beautiful soul
[07.03.2014. 23:05:29] Līgo: ?
[07.03.2014. 23:06:11] Roland AY: beautiful Wican old shoul from the vast white land :)
[07.03.2014. 23:06:20] Roland AY: I found your contacts from polyamory
[07.03.2014. 23:18:30] Roland AY: we meet open up and get to know each other
[07.03.2014. 23:18:48] Roland AY: I will guide a meditation if you will allow me the honor to
[07.03.2014. 23:18:55] Līgo: no
[07.03.2014. 23:28:03] Roland AY: I am a fellow traveler on the path driven by light and the sounds that carry the wind
[07.03.2014. 23:28:04] Līgo: I am not into popculture so much
[07.03.2014. 23:43:01] Roland AY: our ancestor is lucifer the true light we are the crafts man who made this earth what it is
[07.03.2014. 23:43:48] Roland AY: the light of knowledge emanating from the clipoth of the tree and not the fluffy light of the priesthood of rome
[07.03.2014. 23:57:48] Roland AY: I can't explain to you how amazing I feel having met my first knowledgeable Latvian tonight
[07.03.2014. 23:58:36] Līgo: there are many of us :D
[07.03.2014. 23:59:06] Roland AY: speechless...
[07.03.2014. 23:59:37] Līgo: thats so nice that you can get so much joy from little things
[0:09:52] Roland AY: Wiccans and masons at depth follow different path to the same light, those who are barley on the road, neophytes... would argue among them at who is the true path
[0:16:45] Roland AY: yours to chose a meaning either the dark side where you go when you close your eyes, or the other side of the night which is tomorrow morning... it is yours to decide and I will respect your decision...
Tas ir nogurdinoši, kad jāburas cauri šiem angliski rakstītajiem, cēlajiem vārdiem.
Pilns maiss ar gatavām šallītēm :)

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