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where i lay my head is home - :/
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terrible_lie From: [info]terrible_lie Date: July 25th, 2003 - 02:21 am (Link)
1. dead sure i will :D
2. delphi 7 .. huh huh .. the last version i remember working on was 5 :D and wthat exactly the term "quantity of CDs" assume to point to? what amount would be considered to be the border of crashing CD-RW? :P
3. normal people use ICQ instead of MSN :D
kaitnieks From: [info]kaitnieks Date: July 25th, 2003 - 02:37 am (Link)


1. Fine. See you in court.
2. Well... Fuck off, that was metaphorical.
3. Your concept of 'normal' must be twisted. Have you even tried MSN? Got to love those smileys, especially this one - :$
terrible_lie From: [info]terrible_lie Date: July 25th, 2003 - 02:43 am (Link)
i HATE emoticons!!!

and yes, i HAVE tried MSN - have to use it for work
kaitnieks From: [info]kaitnieks Date: July 25th, 2003 - 02:51 am (Link)


Ok, now my mouse has stopped responding completely, which was I must say rather unexpected, I hoped it would survive till tomorrow :(

MSN is cool - it sits harmlessly in systray until someone decides to tell me something. Then this window pops up and starts flashing. Can there be anything cooler than that? :) So it's non-annoying, because it sits in systray and doesn't affect you in any ways if you're busy but at the same time if someone decides to talk to you, you can't miss it :) And there's always "block" button :)
terrible_lie From: [info]terrible_lie Date: July 25th, 2003 - 02:58 am (Link)
i have to say that ICQ includes all the features you've mentioned, and in addition looks much more cooler and user friendly ;)
kaitnieks From: [info]kaitnieks Date: July 25th, 2003 - 03:04 am (Link)


Yeah but I don't like the idea that I'm marked with a some kind of anumber in ICQ just like prisoners. In MSN it's e-mail address + it comes with Windows so I don't have to bother downloading and installing it + lots of my friends use MSN.
terrible_lie From: [info]terrible_lie Date: July 25th, 2003 - 03:10 am (Link)
well that number lets you remain kinda anonymous if you want to instead of MSN where you have to reveal your e-mail address .. and, as i mentioned earlier - i like ICQ's interface much better than MSN's though i have to use both of them
kaitnieks From: [info]kaitnieks Date: July 25th, 2003 - 03:14 am (Link)


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