atmiņas par domām

[info]teja @ 06:58 pm: viss būs labi my ass
As you may know already, I am a Death Midwife who spends much time with the Angels of Anguish. I have come to learn how unwelcome they are in our current spiritual marketplaces.
I'm called to turn the light out.
Let's get real.
Let's say true things about the shadows we make.
Let's say true things about our grief. Let's say true things about our sorrows.
And if we don't have those things, let's say true things about others' pain. Empathize.
Say true things about how strong we are, how powerful we are, how mighty our ideas are, even when we find ourselves lost in a void.
Let yourself cry, through the work of tears a new view may arise, an iridescence that captures your eyes.
Dawning dawning, you are love, baby!!!
"Grief IS praise" - Martin Pretchel


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