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12:35 am: par dzeju
Sympathetic poetry is written in service of the poet. Peer approval is sought out as she flaunts her craft, expresses flattering or pleasantly pitiable aspects of her character, writing only what she knows will increase the quality of her image in the reader’s mind. She is on a pedestal, not in the trenches, and her voice speaks loftily of what the reader can only admire or sympathize with from a distance. She is careful not to expose any true unpleasantness or politically, philosophically disagreeable work lest it effect how she is perceived. She does not brag, but is humbly able to express both her strengths and shortcoming in endearing ways. She plays it safe, veering away from the full breadth of the truth.

While this approach to writing can be innovative, intelligent, and can expand the craft and cultural landscape of poetry, it does very little psychologically, spiritually, and philosophically, as it only restates what’s already been publically agreed upon. As such it very rarely moves a reader to anything more than brief admiration and more often irritation and boredom.

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