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(: [Oct. 31st, 2008|01:12 am]
[mood |miegains]
[music |Devil got my woman by Ghost World OST]

Love, peace and chicken grease.
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yep [Oct. 31st, 2008|12:58 am]
[mood |Miegains]
[music |Boadicea by Enya]

Nospied mani
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Peter Blatty [Oct. 28th, 2008|07:57 pm]
[mood |miegains]
[music |We will prevail by Angerfist]

"Now when [Jesus] stepped ashore, there met Him a certain man who for a long time was possessed by a devil... Many times it had laid hold of him and he was bound with chains... but he would break the bonds asunder... And Jesus asked him, saying, "What is thy name?" And he said Legion..." for many have been through him(...)"

Luke 8:27-30
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knuckles [Oct. 28th, 2008|03:25 am]
[mood |apātisks]
[music |nav]

... tālāk ... )
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goth [Oct. 26th, 2008|04:26 pm]
[mood |fakins]
[music |Pissin Razorbladez by Angerfist]

ok, kids, today papa tapman is going to rant. rant about something called "goths".

... tālāk ... )
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iekšējie dēmoni [Oct. 20th, 2008|12:42 am]
[mood |fantastisks]
[music |Let it die by Emilie Autumn]

I stopped fighting my inner demons
We're on the same side now (:
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Ābols tālu no Makintoša nekrīt [Oct. 8th, 2008|05:01 pm]
[mood |inspirisks]
[music |Leader of the gang by The Shangri-Las]

matu trūkums - jaunas dzīves priekšvēstnesis
notirpušas kājas
aklie pirksti rada skaistumu
sejas sejas sejas
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speķis [Oct. 6th, 2008|04:48 am]
[mood |-]
[music |-]

zemāk tauks -> ... tālāk ... )
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pfft... [Oct. 6th, 2008|04:19 am]
[mood |vierds]
[music |none]

Esmu vīlies Masters of Horrors 2 sezonā... bet tā ir vienmēr.... otrais reti kad pārspēj vai vismaz ir tādā pašā līmenī kā pirmais... gaidam 3?

choppy seas
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the legend [Aug. 31st, 2008|05:46 pm]
[mood |radošs]
[music |pandemonium by hocico]

- And your heart black and full of hate
- Black as midnight, black as pitch
blacker than the fowlest witch

gribu radīt! bet jāiet pļaut zāle.
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best of? [Aug. 22nd, 2008|03:44 am]
[mood |miegains]
[music |Soon We will see face to face by Justin Lassen]

... tālāk ... )
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izaicinājums [Jul. 31st, 2008|12:06 am]
[mood |smieklīgs]
[music |Zemitan by Rosewater]

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Hi. I'm Icarus. I'm falling. [Jul. 30th, 2008|08:46 pm]
[mood |lacrimosa]
[music |cunf[USN] by Gabba Front Berlin]

We keep on burying our dead
We keep on planting their bones in the ground
But they won't grow, the sun doesn't help
The rain doesn't help
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Prachett [Jul. 29th, 2008|12:39 am]
[mood |pārpildīts]
[music |cold war by gabba front berlin]

Mēs esam cilvēki, jo mēs ticam. Ticam lietām, kuru nav. Sadali Visumu molekulās, atomos un parādi kaut vienu elementārdaļinu mīlestības. Kaut kripatu cerības vai laimes.
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fact [Jul. 10th, 2008|12:02 am]
[mood |baudāms]
[music |you have killed me by morrissey]

I don't suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it!
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Cosmic [Jul. 7th, 2008|05:57 pm]
[mood |psihisks]
[music |The End of the World Party by Madesky, Martin & Wood]

staring in the blank screen.
words running through mind.
why won't you hate me?

preperations for the flight 1 2 3 1 2 3
preperations for the flight...
pre-preperations for the flight 1 2 3 1.. 1 2 3

Buzzing sound, aching gums.
the euproria of agony.
holes... holes... holes...
receive me... holes...
receive me.. receive me

stars poke my brain.
poke poke poke...
poke poke poke...
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psilocybian shrooms [Jul. 7th, 2008|05:57 pm]
[mood |psihisks]
[music |Let's Dance by Ziggie Stardust]

You must not speak for you're not me.
Neon caledioscope.
Black and White.

Grow high!
High! High! High!
Higher than the bloody Everest.
Grow, Alice, grow!

Cosmic conscience.
Silver surface.
No weight, no height.
Swim... swim away and forget.
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Woolf [Jan. 25th, 2008|10:12 pm]
[mood |gribas ēst]
[music |Gabba]

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
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sea chant [Jan. 25th, 2008|10:03 pm]
[mood |duplicējošs]
[music |Gabba]

Born in lust
Turn to dust
Born in sin
Come on in
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mescaline [Jan. 25th, 2008|10:00 pm]
[mood |ģeniāls]
[music |Gabba]

"There is a fine line between genius and insane, and I walk that line"
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